
scilab — Major unix script to execute Scilab and miscellaneous tools

Calling Sequence

scilab <Options>


-args Arguments

if this option is present arguments are passed to Scilab. They can then be got by sciargs function. For multi arguments passing use a quoted, blank separated sequence of words like: scilab -args 'foo1 foo2'

-display Display

for use under Xwindow systems only to set a specific X server display. Default display is unix:0.0

-display can be abbreviated by -d


Start Scilab under the debugguer gdb (Unix/linux only).

-e Instruction

if this option is present then Scilab instruction Instruction is executed first (just after startup file execution) into Scilab. -e and -f options are mutually exclusive.

-f file

if this option is present then Scilab script file is executed first (just after startup file execution) into Scilab. -e and -f options are mutually exclusive.

-l lang

:if this option is present it fixes the user language. The possible lang values are 'fr' for french and 'en' for english. The default language is english. This default value is fixed the scilab.start file.

scilab -link <objects>

Is used to produce a local scilex (executable code of Scilab) linked with the additional files given by the user in <objects>. This command also produces a scilab script, which when called will ran the new generated scilex file.

For example:

	  scilab -link  C/interf.o C/evol.o C/bib.a

will create a new scilex file in which the default interf.o file will be replaced by C/interf.o.

-link option cannot be used with any of the other options.

-mem N

:set the initial stacksize, for use with -ns option. Without -ns option the initial stacksize is set by scilab.start script.


:if this option is present then the scilab welcome banner is not displayed.


:if this option is present the startup file SCI/etc/scilab.start and the user startup files SCIHOME/.scilab, SCIHOME/scilab.ini are not executed.


:if this option is present the user startup files SCIHOME/.scilab, SCIHOME/scilab.ini are not executed.


:if this option is present then scilab is not run in an specific window.


:if this option is present then scilab is not run in an specific window and does not accept user interaction. This option may be used with -f or -e options.


:This option is reserved for TeXMacs.


:This option print product version and exit.