
shorewall-lite — Administration tool for Shoreline Firewall Lite (Shorewall-lite)


shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [nolock] [-options] allow address

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] clear

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] drop address

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] dump [-x] [-m]

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] forget [filename]

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] help

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] hits

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] ipcalc { address mask | address/vlsm }

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] iprange address1-address2

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] logdrop address

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] logwatch [-m] [refresh-interval]

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] logreject address

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] reject address

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] restart [-n]

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] restore [filename]

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] save [filename]

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] show [-x] [-t {filter|mangle|nat|raw}] [[chain] chain... ]

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] show [-f] capabilities

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] show {actions|classifiers|connections|config|macros|zones}

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] show [-x] {mangle|nat}

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] show tc

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] show [-m] log

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] start [-n] [-f]

shorewall-lite [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] stop

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] status

shorewall-lite [trace|debug] [-options] version


The shorewall-lite utility is used to control the Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall) Lite.


The trace and debug options are used for debugging. See

The nolock option prevents the command from attempting to acquire the Shorewall Lite lockfile. It is useful if you need to include shorewall-lite commands in the started extension script.

The options control the amount of output that the command produces. They consist of a sequence of the letters v and q. If the options are omitted, the amount of output is determined by the setting of the VERBOSITY parameter in shorewall.conf(5). Each v adds one to the effective verbosity and each q subtracts one from the effective VERBOSITY. Anternately, v may be followed immediately with one of -1,0,1,2 to specify a specify VERBOSITY. There may be no white space between v and the VERBOSITY.

The options may also include the letter t which causes all progress messages to be timestamped.


The available commands are listed below.


Adds a list of hosts or subnets to a dynamic zone usually used with VPN's.

The interface argument names an interface defined in the shorewall-interfaces(5) file. A host-list is comma-separated list whose elements are a host or network address.


The add command is not very robust. If there are errors in the host-list, you may see a large number of error messages yet a subsequent shorewall show zones command will indicate that all hosts were added. If this happens, replace add by delete and run the same command again. Then enter the correct command.


Re-enables receipt of packets from hosts previously blacklisted by a drop, logdrop, reject, or logreject command.


Clear will remove all rules and chains installed by Shorewall Lite. The firewall is then wide open and unprotected. Existing connections are untouched. Clear is often used to see if the firewall is causing connection problems.


The delete command reverses the effect of an earlier add command.

The interface argument names an interface defined in the shorewall-interfaces(5) file. A host-list is comma-separated list whose elements are a host or network address.


Causes traffic from the listed addresses to be silently dropped.


Produces a verbose report about the firewall configuration for the purpose of problem analysis.

The -x option causes actual packet and byte counts to be displayed. Without that option, these counts are abbreviated. The -m option causes any MAC addresses included in Shorewall Lite log messages to be displayed.


Deletes /var/lib/shorewall-lite/filename and /var/lib/shorewall-lite/save. If no filename is given then the file specified by RESTOREFILE in shorewall-lite.conf(5) is assumed.


Displays a syntax summary.


Generates several reports from Shorewall Lite log messages in the current log file.


Ipcalc displays the network address, broadcast address, network in CIDR notation and netmask corresponding to the input[s].


Iprange decomposes the specified range of IP addresses into the equivalent list of network/host addresses.


Causes traffic from the listed addresses to be logged then discarded.


Monitors the log file specified by theLOGFILE option in shorewall-lite.conf(5) and produces an audible alarm when new Shorewall Lite messages are logged. The -m option causes the MAC address of each packet source to be displayed if that information is available. The refresh-interval specifies the time in seconds between screen refreshes. You can enter a negative number by preceding the number with "--" (e.g., shorewall-lite logwatch -- -30). In this case, when a packet count changes, you will be prompted to hit any key to resume screen refreshes.


Causes traffic from the listed addresses to be logged then rejected.


All the packet and byte counters in the firewall are reset.


Restart is similar to shorewall-lite stop followed by shorewall-lite start. Existing connections are maintained. The -n option causes Shorewall to avoid updating the routing table(s).


Restore Shorewall Lite to a state saved using the shorewall-lite save command. Existing connections are maintained. The filename names a restore file in /var/lib/shorewall-lite created using shorewall-lite save; if no filename is given then Shorewall Lite will be restored from the file specified by the RESTOREFILE option in shorewall-lite.conf(5).


The dynamic blacklist is stored in /var/lib/shorewall-lite/save. The state of the firewall is stored in /var/lib/shorewall-lite/filename for use by the shorewall-lite restore and shorewall-lite -f start commands. If filename is not given then the state is saved in the file specified by the RESTOREFILE option in shorewall-lite.conf(5).


The show command can have a number of different arguments:


Produces a report about the available actions (built-in, standard and user-defined).


Displays your kernel/iptables capabilities. The -f option causes the display to be formatted as a capabilities file for use with compile -e.

[ [ chain ] chain ... ]

The rules in each chain are displayed using the iptables -L chain -n -v command. If no chain is given, all of the chains in the filter table are displayed. The -x option is passed directly through to iptables and causes actual packet and byte counts to be displayed. Without this option, those counts are abbreviated. The -t option specifies the Netfilter table to display. The default is filter.

If the t option and the chain keyword are both omitted and any of the listed chains do not exist, a usage message will be displayed.


Displays information about the packet classifiers defined on the system as a result of traffic shaping configuration.


Dispays distribution-specific defaults.


Displays the IP connections currently being tracked by the firewall.


Displays information about each macro defined on the firewall system.


Displays the Netfilter mangle table using the command iptables -t mangle -L -n -v.The -x option is passed directly through to iptables and causes actual packet and byte counts to be displayed. Without this option, those counts are abbreviated.


Displays the Netfilter nat table using the command iptables -t nat -L -n -v.The -x option is passed directly through to iptables and causes actual packet and byte counts to be displayed. Without this option, those counts are abbreviated.


Displays information about queuing disciplines, classes and filters.


Displays the current composition of the Shorewall Lite zones on the system.


Start shorewall Lite. Existing connections through shorewall-lite managed interfaces are untouched. New connections will be allowed only if they are allowed by the firewall rules or policies. If -f is specified, the saved configuration specified by the RESTOREFILE option in shorewall-lite.conf(5) will be restored if that saved configuration exists and has been modified more recently than the files in /etc/shorewall.

The -n option causes Shorewall to avoid updating the routing table(s).


Stops the firewall. All existing connections, except those listed in shorewall-routestopped(5) or permitted by the ADMINISABSENTMINDED option in shorewall.conf(5), are taken down. The only new traffic permitted through the firewall is from systems listed in shorewall-routestopped(5) or by ADMINISABSENTMINDED.


Produces a short report about the state of the Shorewall-configured firewall.


Displays Shorewall-lite's version.




shorewall-accounting(5), shorewall-actions(5), shorewall-blacklist(5), shorewall-hosts(5), shorewall-interfaces(5), shorewall-ipsec(5), shorewall-maclist(5), shorewall-masq(5), shorewall-nat(5), shorewall-netmap(5), shorewall-params(5), shorewall-policy(5), shorewall-providers(5), shorewall-proxyarp(5), shorewall-route_rules(5), shorewall-routestopped(5), shorewall-rules(5), shorewall.conf(5), shorewall-tcclasses(5), shorewall-tcdevices(5), shorewall-tcrules(5), shorewall-tos(5), shorewall-tunnels(5), shorewall-zones(5)