2.4 Installing dm Server Tools

The dm Server Tools are a collection of Eclipse plugins for developing dm Server applications.

To install dm Server Tools, start Eclipse and navigate to the dialogue for installing and updating software features (HelpSoftware Updates…). From the Software Updates and Add-ons dialog press the Add Site… button on the Available Software tab to add the following new update site URL to the Eclipse update mechanism:


After closing the Add Site dialog by pressing the OK button a new update site entitled SpringSource Update Site for Eclipse 3.4 (or similar) will appear in the list of enabled update sites. (Another update site for AJDT may also appear.)

Select all features available from the SpringSource Update Site for Eclipse 3.4 update site and press Install….

Eclipse will calculate dependencies and then display a list of items to be installed. Press the Next> button, review the licenses of the items to be installed and, if they are acceptable, select the option to accept the license terms and press the Finish button.

Eclipse will download and install the items. If prompted, restart Eclipse to complete the installation.

To verify the installation, start Eclipse and check there is a “Spring IDE” icon in the Eclipse “About” dialog.