7.4 Adding the par plugin

Thorsten Maus (see Section A.2, “Documentation”) has developed a Maven plugin that builds a PAR file from a list of dependencies. In this step the Maven par plugin is added to properly build a PAR artifact type.

Add a <pluginRepository/> declaration to the greenpages POM file so that Maven can find the par plugin:

    <name>Steademy repository</name>

In the <build><plugins>…</plugins></build> section, add a plugin declaration for the par plugin.

    <applicationDescription>GreenPages PAR</applicationDescription>
    <applicationName>GreenPages PAR</applicationName>

Declare the list of bundles to be packaged in the PAR as dependencies of the PAR project.


Run the following command.

mvn clean package

This command will now complete successfully and build a PAR into target/. Proceed to the next step.

[INFO] [par:par]
[INFO] assembling artifacts for par package
[INFO] greenpages
[INFO] artifact greenpages.app is copied with fully qualified name
[INFO] artifact greenpages.jpa is copied with fully qualified name 
[INFO] artifact greenpages.db is copied with fully qualified name 
[INFO] artifact greenpages.web is copied with fully qualified name 
[INFO] added com.springsource.dmserver.greenpages.app-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] added com.springsource.dmserver.greenpages.db-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] added com.springsource.dmserver.greenpages.jpa-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] added com.springsource.dmserver.greenpages.web-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT.jar