3.5. Special EL variables

There are several implicit variables you may reference from within a flow. These variables are discussed in this section.


Use flowScope to assign a flow variable. Flow scope gets allocated when a flow starts and destroyed when the flow ends. With the default implementation, any objects stored in flow scope need to be Serializable.

<evaluate expression="searchService.findHotel(hotelId)" result="flowScope.hotel" />


Use viewScope to assign a view variable. View scope gets allocated when a view-state enters and destroyed when the state exits. View scope is only referenceable from within a view-state. With the default implementation, any objects stored in view scope need to be Serializable.

    <evaluate expression="searchService.findHotels(searchCriteria)" result="viewScope.hotels"
              result-type="dataModel" />


Use requestScope to assign a request variable. Request scope gets allocated when a flow is called and destroyed when the flow returns.

<set name="requestScope.hotelId" value="requestParameters.id" type="long" />


Use flashScope to assign a flash variable. Flash scope gets allocated when a flow starts, cleared after every view render, and destroyed when the flow ends. With the default implementation, any objects stored in flash scope need to be Serializable.

<set name="flashScope.statusMessage" value="'Booking confirmed'" />				


Use conversationScope to assign a conversation variable. Conversation scope gets allocated when a top-level flow starts and destroyed when the top-level flow ends. Conversation scope is shared by a top-level flow and all of its subflows. With the default implementation, conversation scoped objects are stored in the HTTP session and should generally be Serializable to account for typical session replication.

<evaluate expression="searchService.findHotel(hotelId)" result="conversationScope.hotel" />


Use requestParameters to access a client request parameter:

<set name="requestScope.hotelId" value="requestParameters.id" type="long" />


Use currentEvent to access attributes of the current Event:

<evaluate expression="booking.guests.add(currentEvent.attributes.guest)" />


Use currentUser to access the authenticated Principal:

<evaluate expression="bookingService.createBooking(hotelId, currentUser.name)" 
          result="flowScope.booking" />


Use messageContext to access a context for retrieving and creating flow execution messages, including error and success messages. See the MessageContext Javadocs for more information.

<evaluate expression="bookingValidator.validate(booking, messageContext)" />


Use resourceBundle to access a message resource.

<set name="flashScope.successMessage" value="resourceBundle.successMessage" />


Use flowRequestContext to access the RequestContext API, which is a representation of the current flow request. See the API Javadocs for more information.


Use flowExecutionContext to access the FlowExecutionContext API, which is a representation of the current flow state. See the API Javadocs for more information.


Use flowExecutionUrl to access the context-relative URI for the current flow execution view-state.


Use externalContext to access the client environment, including user session attributes. See the ExternalContext API JavaDocs for more information.

<evaluate expression="searchService.suggestHotels(externalContext.sessionMap.userProfile)" 
          result="viewScope.hotels" />