4.3. Specifying view identifiers

Use the view attribute to specify the id of the view to render explicitly.

Flow relative view ids

The view id may be a relative path to view resource in the flow's working directory:

<view-state id="enterBookingDetails" view="bookingDetails.xhtml">

Absolute view ids

The view id may be a absolute path to a view resource in the webapp root directory:

<view-state id="enterBookingDetails" view="/WEB-INF/hotels/booking/bookingDetails.xhtml">

Logical view ids

With some view frameworks, such as Spring MVC's view framework, the view id may also be a logical identifier resolved by the framework:

<view-state id="enterBookingDetails" view="bookingDetails">

See the Spring MVC integration section for more information on how to integrate with the MVC ViewResolver infrastructure.