9.5. flow-executor options

This section explores flow-executor configuration options.

Attaching flow execution listeners

Use the flow-execution-listeners element to register listeners that observe the lifecycle of flow executions:

    <listener ref="securityListener"/>
    <listener ref="persistenceListener"/>

You may also configure a listener to observe only certain flows:

<listener ref="securityListener" criteria="securedFlow1,securedFlow2"/>

Tuning FlowExecution persistence

Use the flow-execution-repository element to tune flow execution persistence settings:

<flow-execution-repository max-executions="5" max-execution-snapshots="30" />


Tune the max-executions attribute to place a cap on the number of flow executions that can be created per user session.


Tune the max-execution-snapshots attribute to place a cap on the number of history snapshots that can be taken per flow execution. To disable snapshotting, set this value to 0. To enable an unlimited number of snapshots, set this value to -1.