10.6. Signaling an event from a View

When a flow enters a view-state it pauses, redirects the user to its execution URL, and waits for a user event to resume. Events are generally signaled by activating buttons, links, or other user interface commands. How events are decoded server-side is specific to the view technology in use. This section shows how to trigger events from HTML-based views generated by templating engines such as JSP, Velocity, or Freemarker.

Using a named HTML button to signal an event

The example below shows two buttons on the same form that signal proceed and cancel events when clicked, respectively.

<input type="submit" name="_eventId_proceed" value="Proceed" />
<input type="submit" name="_eventId_cancel" value="Cancel" />		

When a button is pressed Web Flow finds a request parameter name beginning with _eventId_ and treats the remaining substring as the event id. So in this example, submitting _eventId_proceed becomes proceed. This style should be considered when there are several different events that can be signaled from the same form.

Using a hidden HTML form parameter to signal an event

The example below shows a form that signals the proceed event when submitted:

<input type="submit" value="Proceed" />
<input type="hidden" name="_eventId" value="proceed" />	

Here, Web Flow simply detects the special _eventId parameter and uses its value as the event id. This style should only be considered when there is one event that can be signaled on the form.

Using a HTML link to signal an event

The example below shows a link that signals the cancel event when activated:

<a href="${flowExecutionUrl}&_eventId=cancel">Cancel</a>		

Firing an event results in a HTTP request being sent back to the server. On the server-side, the flow handles decoding the event from within its current view-state. How this decoding process works is specific to the view implementation. Recall a Spring MVC view implementation simply looks for a request parameter named _eventId. If no _eventId parameter is found, the view will look for a parameter that starts with _eventId_ and will use the remaining substring as the event id. If neither cases exist, no flow event is triggered.