Foreground events

The application framework calls CCoeAppUI::HandleForegroundEventL() when the application is switched to the foreground or background.

While the default implementation of this method is empty, it can be, for example, used to display messages or pause a game when a focus change event occurs.

An example of such a foreground event implementation is as follows:

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL(TBool aForeground)
// This function is called by the  framework when the screen loses or gains focus. 
// i.e. when it goes to the background or to the foreground. Incoming call 
// softnote is an example.
// This event applies to the entire application, all views.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL(TBool aForeground)
    if( aForeground == TRUE )
        iEikonEnv->InfoMsg( _L( "Foreground true" ) );
        iEikonEnv->InfoMsg( _L( "Foreground false" ) );

The aForeground parameter is true if the application is switched to the foreground (is visible) and false if the application has gone to the background.


The above code snippet uses the MyView example application provided in the Platform Application Views package available from Forum Nokia .