SBSv1 and SBSv2 Build Systems

Symbian provides two command line build systems, called SBSv1 and SBSv2, to build Symbian platform and applications developed for Symbian platform.

SBSv1 is the name that is now given to the bldmake and abld build tools that have been provided on Symbian platform kits since Symbian OS v6. In SBSv1 , bldmake first generates top-level makefiles for a component, then abld builds the component. The bldmake and the abld commands must be run from the directory containing the bld.inf file. The documentation for the these tools is provided in the Symbian Developer Library. For more information, see How to use bldmake and How to use abld.

SBSv2 is a newer build system. Its advantages over SBSv1 include:

  • It can run on both Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems.

  • It can use third-party make engine to run parallel builds.

  • It can build the entire Symbian platform from a system definition file.

  • It generates and builds the makefiles in a single step.

  • It can be used from any directory location.

Though SBSv2 uses the same build metadata files (bld.inf and .mmp) as SBSv1 for building Symbian platform, SBSv2 can help achieve improved build speed over SBSv1.

For more information about SBSv2, see the Symbian Build System v2 documentation that is provided with the Platform Developer Toolkit.