MEikEnhancedButtonGroup Class Reference

class MEikEnhancedButtonGroup : public MEikButtonGroup

Extends needed functions for enhanced cba.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C TBoolIsCommandInGroup(const TInt)
IMPORT_C voidOfferCommandListL(const RArray< TInt > &)
IMPORT_C voidOfferCommandListL(const TInt)
IMPORT_C voidReplaceCommand(const TInt, const TInt)

Member Functions Documentation

IsCommandInGroup(const TInt)

IMPORT_C TBoolIsCommandInGroup(const TIntaCommandId)const [pure virtual]

Used to check if a certain command have been approved to the current command set.

ETrue if command is in control group, otherwise EFalse.


const TInt aCommandIdThe id for command which existence should be checked.

OfferCommandListL(const RArray< TInt > &)

IMPORT_C voidOfferCommandListL(const RArray< TInt > &aCommandList)[pure virtual]

Used to offer list of commands for softkeys.


const RArray< TInt > & aCommandListA list of command ids to be offered for softkeys.

OfferCommandListL(const TInt)

IMPORT_C voidOfferCommandListL(const TIntaResourceId)[pure virtual]

Used to offer list of commands for softkeys.


const TInt aResourceIdId for CBA resource that defines enhanced cba buttons.

ReplaceCommand(const TInt, const TInt)

IMPORT_C voidReplaceCommand(const TIntaCommandId,
const TIntaResourceId
)[pure virtual]

Replace existing command with a new command.


const TInt aCommandIdId for command that should be replaced.
const TInt aResourceIdResource id for new enhanced cba button.