CCirBuf Class Reference

class CCirBuf : public CCirBufBase

A circular buffer containing objects of a type defined by the template parameter.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Default C++ constructor.

The size of each object in the buffer is fixed and is the length of the class passed as the template parameter.


E32USER-CBase 72, if the length of the template class is zero.

Member Functions Documentation

Add(const T *)

TInt Add(const T *aPtr)[inline]

Adds a single object to the circular buffer.

The object is of type class T and is only added if there is space available.

1 if the object is successfully added. 0 if the object cannot be added because the circular buffer is full.


E32USER-CBase 74, if a call to CCirBufBase::SetLengthL() has not been made before calling this function.



const T * aPtrA pointer to the object of type class T to be added to the circular buffer.

Add(const T *, TInt)

TInt Add(const T *aPtr,

Adds multiple objects to the circular buffer.

The function attempts to add aCount objects of type class T. The objects are only added if there is space available.

The number of objects successfully added to the buffer. This value may be less than the number requested and can range from 0 to aCount.


E32USER-CBase 74, if a call to CCirBufBase::SetLengthL() has not been made before calling this function.


E32USER-CBase 75, if aCount is not a positive value.



const T * aPtrA pointer to a set of contiguous objects of type class T to be added to the circular buffer.
TInt aCountThe number of objects to be added to the circular buffer.

Remove(T *)

TInt Remove(T *aPtr)[inline]

Removes a single object from the circular buffer.

An object can only be removed if there are objects in the buffer.

A binary copy of the object is made to aPtr.

1 if an object is successfully removed. 0 if an object cannot be removed because the circular buffer is empty.


T * aPtrA pointer to an object of type class T supplied by the caller.

Remove(T *, TInt)

TInt Remove(T *aPtr,

Removes multiple objects from the circular buffer.

The function attempts to remove aCount objects of type class T. Objects can only be removed if there are objects in the buffer

A binary copy of the objects is made to aPtr.

The number of objects successfully removed from the buffer. This value may be less than the number requested, and can range from 0 to aCount.


E32USER-CBase 76, if aCount is not a positive value.


T * aPtrA pointer to contiguous memory able to hold aCount class T objects, supplied by the caller.
TInt aCountThe number of objects to be removed from the circular buffer.