TTmFormatParamBase Class Reference

class TTmFormatParamBase

WARNING: this Class is for internal use ONLY. Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases. Formatting parameters used when formatting part of a layout object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Functions Documentation


TBool IsTruncatingWithEllipsis()const [inline]

Returns true if truncation with ellipsis is turned on.


TBool IsWrapping()const [inline]

Returns true if wrapping is turned on.


TBool LegalLineBreaksOnly()const [inline]

Returns true if line breaking must only occur at legal line breaks, even if the line cannot legally be broken at the desired wrap width.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous


EWrap = 1
EAtLeastMaxHeight = 2
ETruncateWithEllipsis = 4
ELegalLineBreaksOnly = 8

Member Data Documentation

TChar iEllipsis

TChar iEllipsis

TInt iFlags

TInt iFlags

TInt iMaxHeight

TInt iMaxHeight

TInt iMaxLines

TInt iMaxLines

TInt iWrapWidth

TInt iWrapWidth