TScheduleState Class Reference

class TScheduleState

Defines the state of a schedule.

An object of this type is passed to, and populated by, a call to RScheduler::GetScheduleL().


and replaced by TScheduleState2.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TScheduleState(const TScheduleState2 &)

TScheduleState(const TScheduleState2 &aScheduleState2)


const TScheduleState2 & aScheduleState2



Member Data Documentation

TTime iDueTime

TTime iDueTime

The time when the schedule is next due.

This only has meaning if the schedule is pending, i.e. it is enabled and has tasks associated with it.

TBool iEnabled

TBool iEnabled

Indicates whether the schedule is enabled or not.

TName iName

TName iName

The name of the schedule.

TBool iPersists

TBool iPersists

Indicates whether the schedule is persistent or not.

If a schedule is persistent, its lifetime is not limited to the lifetime of the tasks associated with it .

If a schedule is transient, it is created together with a new scheduled task, and is destroyed when the task is destroyed.