MIclImageDisplayObserver Class Reference

class MIclImageDisplayObserver

Observer class for image display.

Public Member Functions
voidMiidoImageReady(const CFbsBitmap *, TUint, const TRect &, TInt)

Member Functions Documentation

MiidoImageReady(const CFbsBitmap *, TUint, const TRect &, TInt)

voidMiidoImageReady(const CFbsBitmap *aBitmap,
const TRect &aUpdatedArea,
)[pure virtual]

Called when the image is ready to display A plug-in should use this function to pass information asynchronously to an API client. This function is asynchronous.


const CFbsBitmap * aBitmapa pointer to the bitmap that contains decoding result (may be NULL on error condition)
TUint aStatusthe plugin status that should be combination of the TPluginStatus set
const TRect & aUpdatedAreaa rectangle within the aBitmap that was updated during the latest operation
TInt aErrorerror code of latest operation