RMobilePhone::TImsAuthenticateDataV5 Class Reference

class RMobilePhone::TImsAuthenticateDataV5 : public RMobilePhone::TMultimodeType

IMS Authenticate API Class encapsulates data needed as an input/output for ISIM/USIM AUTHENTICATE command

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Data Documentation

TBuf8< KAutnLength > iAUTN

TBuf8< KAutnLength >iAUTN

holds value of network challenge AUTN

TBuf8< KAutsLength > iAUTS

TBuf8< KAutsLength >iAUTS

holds value of Authentication Token when AUTHENTICATE fails

TBuf8< KCkLength > iCK

TBuf8< KCkLength >iCK

holds value of session key Cipher Key

TBuf8< KIkLength > iIK

TBuf8< KIkLength >iIK

holds value of session key Integrity Key

TBuf8< KRandLength > iRAND

TBuf8< KRandLength >iRAND

holds value of network challenge RAND

TBuf8< KResLength > iRES

TBuf8< KResLength >iRES

holds result RES of AUTHENTICATE command when it's successfull