MCameraBuffer2 Class Reference

class MCameraBuffer2 : public MCameraBuffer

This class is used to provide extra buffer informations through a custom interface.


Inherits from

Member Functions Documentation

CustomInterface(TUid, TAny *&)

TInt CustomInterface(TUidaInterface,
TAny *&aPtrInterface
)[pure virtual]

Gets a custom interface for extra buffer information.

The error code.


TUid aInterfaceThe Uid of the particular interface function required for buffer information.
TAny *& aPtrInterfaceThe client has to cast the custom interface pointer to the appropriate type.

GetInterfaceUids(RArray< TUid > &)

TInt GetInterfaceUids(RArray< TUid > &aInterfaceUids)[pure virtual]

Retrieves an array of uids which represents the class identifier used for buffer extension.

The error code.


RArray< TUid > & aInterfaceUidsAn array of uids which represents the class identifier.