MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver Class Reference

class MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver

An interface to a set of video player callback functions.

The class is a mixin and is intended to be inherited by the client class which is observing the video playing operation. The functions encapsulated by this class are called when specific events occur in the process of initialising and playing an video clip. A reference to this object is passed as a parameter when constructing an audio player utility object.


Member Functions Documentation

MvpuoEvent(const TMMFEvent &)

voidMvpuoEvent(const TMMFEvent &aEvent)[pure virtual]

General event notification from controller. These events are specified by the supplier of the controller



const TMMFEvent & aEventThe event sent by the controller.

MvpuoFrameReady(CFbsBitmap &, TInt)

voidMvpuoFrameReady(CFbsBitmap &aFrame,
)[pure virtual]

Notification that the frame requested by a call to GetFrameL is ready



CFbsBitmap & aFrameThe returned frame. The bitmap will contain the requested frame if the the error code is KErrNone (success).
TInt aErrorThe status of the frame request. This is either KErrNone if the frame request was successful, or one of the system wide error codes.


voidMvpuoOpenComplete(TIntaError)[pure virtual]

Notification to the client that the opening of the video clip has completed, successfully, or otherwise.

The status of the video sample after opening is given by aError. The following values imply same across all the devices.

  • KErrNone: the sample is ready to play;

  • KErrNotSupported: the controller plugin is not recognised or not supported;

  • KErrNotFound: the video sample cannot be found;

  • KErrNoMemory: there is insufficient memory to play this video sample.

Other values are possible indicating a problem opening the video sample. These values are device dependent.

The client must now call Prepare() on the video player utility before the video clip can be played or any of its properties (e.g. duration) can be queried.



TInt aErrorThe status of the video player after initialisation.


voidMvpuoPlayComplete(TIntaError)[pure virtual]

Notification that video playback has completed. This is not called if playback is explicitly stopped (such as through the use of the Stop or Close commands).



TInt aErrorThe status of playback. This is either KErrNone if the playback was completed successfully, or one of the system wide error codes.


voidMvpuoPrepareComplete(TIntaError)[pure virtual]

Notification to the client that the opening of the video clip has been prepared successfully, or otherwise. This callback is called in response to a call to CVideoPlayerUtility::Prepare().

The video clip may now be played, or have any of its properties (e.g. duration) queried.



TInt aErrorThe status of the video player after initialisation. This is either KErrNone if the open has completed successfully, or one of the system wide error codes.