Features command syntax


The features tool processes the Feature Database Manager (xml file) and generates the header file, feature choices obey file and/or features.dat file. The header file contains feature UIDs. The feature choices obey file is used to create different ROM images. The features.dat file which is a binary file, is used as a default configuration file by the Symbian emulator. The features tool accepts both feature manager and feature registry database as input, and for the feature registry database, it generates only features.dat.


features [options] <xml database  file> [<xml database file1> <xml database file2>...]

The following options can be used:

Options Description
-r[=<destination path>] or --hdrfile[=<destination path>] Creates a header file in <destination path> or in the default path \epoc32\include, if the destination path is not specified.
-i[=<destination path>] or --ibyfile[=<destination path> Creates an IBY file in <destination path> or in the default path \epoc32\rom\include\, if the destination path is not specified.
-d[=<destination path>] or --datfile[=<destination path>] Creates features.dat file in <destination path> or in the current directory, if the destination path is not specified.
-c[=<destination path>] or --convert[=<destination path>] Converts the given feature registry database into a feature manager database (for example, featureregistryname_converted.xml) in <destination path> or in the current directory, if the destination path is not specified.
Note: The converted file is named as featureregistryname_converted.xml by default. See Conversion of feature registry DB to feature manager DB.
-s or --strict Enables strict mode.
-v or --verbose Enables verbose mode.
-h or --help Displays help.
--version Displays the version of the tool.

The features tool also allows you to specify a combination of options (for example, features -rcv).

<xml database file> can be either a Feature Registry database (featureUIDs.xml) or a Feature Manager database (featuredatabase.xml)