CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::TPrepareImageParameters Class Reference

class CCamera::CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::TPrepareImageParameters

Provides the parameters necessary to perform set-up and allocation of memory for the images to be captured.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Functions Documentation

GetImageProcessingOptions(TUint &)

IMPORT_C voidGetImageProcessingOptions(TUint &aImageProcessingOptions)const


TUint & aImageProcessingOptions


IMPORT_C voidSetImageProcessingOptions(TUintaImageProcessingOptions)


TUint aImageProcessingOptions


IMPORT_C TUintSize()const


IMPORT_C TUintVersion()const

Member Data Documentation

TInt iBurstImages

TInt iBurstImages

The number of images to be captured if the drive mode is burst.

TRect iClipRect

TRect iClipRect

Identifies the rectangle to which the image is to be clipped. If no specifc clipping rectangle desired by the client, the clipping region can be given by origin as the top-left corner and size as iImageSize.

CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TDriveMode iDriveMode

CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TDriveMode iDriveMode

The drive mode in which the images will be captured.

TDriveModeDependentAttributes iDriveModeAttributes

TDriveModeDependentAttributes iDriveModeAttributes

The attributes dependent on the type of drive mode used.

CCamera::TFormat iImageFormat

CCamera::TFormat iImageFormat

The image format.

TInt iImageMaxMemorySize

TInt iImageMaxMemorySize

The maximum memory size in kilo bytes when encoding to the image format. This shall be KECamNoSpecificMaxMemorySize if client has no specific preference or if this setting is not supported. In case of JPEG, the maximum memory size will take preference over JPEG quality if the maximum memory size is not sufficient to achieve the desired quality. Refer CCamera::JpegQuality().

TUint iImageProcessingOptions

TUint iImageProcessingOptions[private]

Bitfield of selected TEcamProcessingOptions which should be used after the images are captured from the sensor.

TSize iImageSize

TSize iImageSize

The image size.

CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPixelAspectRatio iPixelAspectRatio

CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPixelAspectRatio iPixelAspectRatio

Pixel aspect ratio to be used for the image.

TInt iReserved1

TInt iReserved1[private]

TInt iReserved2

TInt iReserved2[private]

TUint iSize

TUint iSize[private]

TUint iVersion

TUint iVersion[private]