Video Renderer Resource File

The Video Renderer resource file (videorenderer.rss) provides a list of supported pixel formats and timed mode values for the Video Renderer. Videorenderer.rss is located in mmf/videorenderer/src.

Supported formats

The Video Renderer needs to know which pixel formats are supported by the Graphics composition engine. As there is no mechanism for the Video Renderer to query the composition engine, the formats are stored in the resource file.

The gce_supported_format section contains the list of supported formats. To specify support for more colour space formats, simply add them to the gce_supported_formats section:

/** Pixel format supported by video renderer/composition engine */
    formats =
            format = EVideoRendererPixelFormatXRGB_4444;
            format = EVideoRendererPixelFormatRGB_565;
            format = EVideoRendererPixelFormatXRGB_8888;

Timer values

The timer section is used when the Video Renderer is running in timed mode. The timer values allow limits to be set on the Video Renderer, such as the maximum delay before skipping a buffer.

/** Timer values for timed mode*/
    default_delay = 15000; // default delay for composition engine to display a buffer
    max_delay = 0; // max delay allowed before video renderer skips a buffer

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