TGulBorder::TColors Class Reference

class TGulBorder::TColors

Represents the colours used within the border and for the optional single pixel border outlines.

These colours are stored using TRgb values.

An object of this type can be populated using ColorUtils::GetRgbDerivedBorderColors().

The colours used inside the border are derived from iBack, the border's background colour, so that border colours can be lighter or darker shades of the colour used in the main body of the control they enclose. Different combinations of light and dark shades are used to draw opposite border sides, to achieve a raised or sunken effect.

Public Member Functions
Public Attributes
TRgb iBack
TRgb iDark
TRgb iInternalBack
TRgb iLight
TRgb iLine
TRgb iMid
TRgb iMidlight

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Data Documentation

TRgb iBack

TRgb iBack

The background colour for the border.

The other colours used in the border are derived from this.

By default, KRgbWhite.

TRgb iDark

TRgb iDark

The darkest colour.

By default, KRgbDarkGray.

TRgb iInternalBack

TRgb iInternalBack

Not used.

TRgb iLight

TRgb iLight

The lightest colour.

By default, KRgbWhite.

TRgb iLine

TRgb iLine

The line colour.

This is the colour used to draw the outlines on either side of the border. Not all border types have an outline. By default, KRgbBlack.

TRgb iMid

TRgb iMid

The mid dark colour.

This colour is midway between iBack and iDark. By default, KRgbDarkGray.

TRgb iMidlight

TRgb iMidlight

The mid light colour.

This colour is midway between iBack and iLight. By default, KRgbWhite.