HgScroller.cpp File Reference

const TInt KIntensity

const TIntKIntensity


  #include <featdiscovery.h>
  #include <featureinfo.h> // for feature definitions

  // replace <featureUIDx> with a real UID )

  // If querying only one feature, it is more efficient to use the class
  // via the static method, IsFeatureSupportedL().
  // When querying more than one feature, it is more efficient to use the
  // class by creating an instance and calling the IsSupported() method.

  // Static way of using the class:
  TBool isSupported = CFeatureDiscovery::IsFeatureSupportedL(<featureUIDx>);

  // Dynamic way of using the class using NewL():

  // Call NewL() to create an instance of CFeatureDiscovery.
  CFeatureDiscovery* testA = CFeatureDiscovery::NewL();

  // Call the exported IsSupported() method to query whether features
  // are supported in the current environment or not.
  TBool usbSupported = testA->IsSupported(<featureUIDx>);
  TBool mmcSupported = testA->IsSupported(<featureUIDx>);

  // Delete the created instance of CFeatureDiscovery.
  delete testA;

  // Dynamic way of using the class using NewLC():

  // Call NewLC() to create an instance of CFeatureDiscovery.
  // The method leaves the instance of the object on the cleanup stack.
  CFeatureDiscovery* testB = CFeatureDiscovery::NewLC();

  // Call the exported IsSupported() method to query whether features
  // are supported in the current environment or not.
  TBool wcdmaSupported = testB->IsSupported(<featureUIDx>);
  TBool gsmSupported = testB->IsSupported(<featureUIDx>);

  // Dynamic way of using multiple feature query. This is preferred
  // way to fetch support statuses if there are several features to be
  // queried, because it involves less inter-process communication.

  TFeatureSet featset;
  User::LeaveIfError( featset.Append( <featureUIDx> ) );
  User::LeaveIfError( featset.Append( <featureUIDx> ) );
  TInt err = testB->FeaturesSupported( featset );
			TBool uid1Supported = featset.IsFeatureSupported(<featureUIDx>);
			TBool uid2Supported = featset.IsFeatureSupported(<featureUIDx>);
			// ... or whether all QUERIED features are supported
			TBool allSupported = featset.AreAllFeaturesSupported();
  // featset cleans array up in destructor on scope exit

  // Pop and delete the created instance of CFeatureDiscovery.