RMobilePhone::TScFileInfoV5 Class Reference

class RMobilePhone::TScFileInfoV5 : public RMobilePhone::TMultimodeType

Smart card application file info version v5.0. Modes: Common


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TScFileID iFileID

TScFileID iFileID

Smart card file identifier.

TInt iNumberRecords

TInt iNumberRecords

If the file is a record based file (e.g. file type is ELinearFixed or ECyclic) then this gives the number of records in the file. If file type is ETransparent then this value is unused and will be set to 0.

From TS 102.221 the maximum number of records in an EF is 254.

TInt iRecordLength

TInt iRecordLength

If the file is a record based file (e.g. file type is ELinearFixed or ECyclic) then this gives the fixed length of a record in the file. If file type is ETransparent then this value is unused and will be set to 0.

From TS 102.221 the maximum length of a record in an EF is 255 bytes.

TInt iTotalLength

TInt iTotalLength

Total length of the file. As specified in TS 102.221 the maximum length of an EF is 0xFFF bytes.

TScFileType iType

TScFileType iType

The type of the smart card file. Options are Linear Fixed, Cyclic or Transparent.