Bluetooth PBAP Overview

Bluetooth PBAP supports exchanging Phone Book objects, particularly for where a Car-Kit retrieves Phone Book objects from a mobile device.


Bluetooth PBAP supports exchanging Phone Book objects, particularly for where a Car-Kit retrieves Phone Book objects from a mobile device. Symbian platform supports the server role.


Symbian platform supports the server role. The Symbian PBAP Server interacts with an external PBAP Client over a Bluetooth link. The Symbian PBAP Server is made up of a Bluetooth Access Host (btaccesshost.exe) and Bluetooth PBAP Client (pbapcli.dll).

Figure 1. Diagram showing PBAP Server

Bluetooth PBAP Summary

Bluetooth PBAP provides the following:

  • Bluetooth Access Host


    Contains the Phone Book Access Server.

  • Bluetooth PBAP Client


    Creates and destroys the PBAP Server and starts and stops the profile.

  • Bluetooth PBAP Log Eng


    Used by the Bluetooth Access Host to access call history information.

Typical uses

The PBAP Client component is responsible for creating and destroying the PBAP server and starting and stopping the profile. It can optionally initiate a password challenge of incoming connection from PBAP clients by enabling OBEX authentication.

The PBAP Server implements a set of services, which include:

  • Listening for incoming Bluetooth PBAP connections

  • Registering an SDP record

  • Parsing and handling the incoming OBEX requests

  • Navigating and maintaining the PBAP “virtual folder” structure to retrieve the desired information

  • Interfacing to contacts to retrieve the phone book (pb) information

  • Implementing the PBAP-defined XML DTD for folder listing objects.

  • Interfacing to Log Eng to retrieve the call history information (ich, och, mch & cch).

    Note that this assumes the licensee’s phone application has used the Symbian platform provided logeng interface to list the call history information.