TAnimationConfig Struct Reference

struct TAnimationConfig

These are passed to animator objects when an animation is started and provide some control over the manner in which the animation runs.

Public Member Enumerations
enumTFlags { ELoop = 0x0001, EStartImmediately = 0x0010, ECountFrames = 0x0020, EEndOnLastFrame = 0x0040 }
Public Attributes
TInt iData
TInt iFlags

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TFlags

Flag values used by animator objects when an animation is started that provide some control over the manner in which the animation runs.


ELoop = 0x0001

If set, interpret the iData member as the number of times the animation should run before automatically stopping itself.

EStartImmediately = 0x0010

If set, the animation will start as soon as it can. By default, animations wait for the data to be completely loaded before starting.

ECountFrames = 0x0020

If set, and ELoop is set, interpret the iData member as a number of frames to run through, instead of complete cycles.

EEndOnLastFrame = 0x0040

By default animations which stop after a number of loops return to the first frame. If this flag is set they stop on the last frame.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iData

TInt iData

The meaning of this item depends on the value of the iFlags member.

TInt iFlags

TInt iFlags

Set this to a combination of the values in TFlags.