MStreamInput Class Reference

class MStreamInput

An interface to an object that acts as a target for read operations from a stream. The object behaves as a generic data sink.

A stream input object can act as an intelligent buffer, and is useful for performing filtering, compression or any other general kind of conversion operation that might be needed after reading from a stream.

The class is pure interface and requires an implementation.


Public Member Functions
TInt PushL(const TAny *, TInt)
TStreamTransfer ReadFromL(MStreamBuf &, TStreamTransfer)

Member Functions Documentation

PushL(const TAny *, TInt)

TInt PushL(const TAny *aPtr,
)[pure virtual]

Reads data from an intermediate buffer into this stream input object.

This function is called by the default implementation of TStreamBuf::DoReadL(MStreamInput&,TStreamTransfer) and assumes that the source is a stream buffer's intermediate buffer.

The amount of data read.




const TAny * aPtrA pointer into the intermediate buffer from which the read operation starts.
TInt aMaxLengthThe maximum amount of data to be read.

ReadFromL(MStreamBuf &, TStreamTransfer)

TStreamTransfer ReadFromL(MStreamBuf &aSource,
)[pure virtual]

Reads data from the specified stream into this stream input object.

This function is called by the default implementation of MStreamBuf::DoReadL(MStreamInput&,TStreamTransfer). It may also be called by TStreamBuf::DoReadL(MStreamInput&,TStreamTransfer), depending on the amount of data to be transferred and the nature of the buffering scheme.

The amount of data that was not consumed.




MStreamBuf & aSourceThe stream from which data is to be read.
TStreamTransfer aTransferDefines the amount of data available to be read.