Building an Application for a Mobile Device

  1. Make sure your build configuration is Phone Release (GCCE) as follows:

    1. Right-click HelloWorldBasic in the Project Explorer view.

    2. Select Build Configurations > Set Active > Phone Release (GCCE) [Nokia_Symbian^3_SDK_v0.5].

    Figure 1. Selecting Phone Release configuration
  2. Build the project for the phone as follows:
    1. Right click HelloWorldBasic in the Project Explorer View.

    2. Select Build Project.

    Figure 2. Building the project
  3. The application has been built for the phone when the Build Complete message appears in the Console window.

    Figure 3. Build complete message
  4. Inspect the output in the console window, identify any warning and error messages, and fix the errors.


    An error reported during a later stage of the process (such as, sis file creation) might be a side effect of an error that occurred during the resource compiler or code compiler or linker stages.