RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCostInfoV1 Class Reference

class RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCostInfoV1 : public RMobilePhone::TMultimodeType

Defines the information related to current billing costs.



Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Data Documentation

TUint iACM

TUint iACM

The current number of charging units in the Accumulated Call Meter. This equals the accumulation of previous and current calls.

TUint iACMmax

TUint iACMmax

The maximum number of charging units that the ACM can rise to before chargeable calls are stopped. Equals zero if Service != ECostServiceCharging.

TUint iCCM

TUint iCCM

The current number of charging units in the Current Call Meter. This is set to zero if reset by the user or at the start of call set-up attempt.

TMobilePhonePuctV1 iPuct

TMobilePhonePuctV1 iPuct

The Price per Unit and Currency Table.


TMobilePhoneCostService iService

TMobilePhoneCostService iService

The current status and type of call cost service.
