MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack Class Reference

class MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack

Avkon LongTapDetector CallBack.

Inherit from this class and implement HandleLongTapEventL to get a callback when/if a long tap occurs.

avkon.lib S60 5.0

Public Member Functions
voidHandleLongTapEventL(const TPoint &, const TPoint &)

Member Functions Documentation

HandleLongTapEventL(const TPoint &, const TPoint &)

voidHandleLongTapEventL(const TPoint &aPenEventLocation,
const TPoint &aPenEventScreenLocation
)[pure virtual]

Callback method. Get's called when a long tap occurs.


const TPoint & aPenEventLocationLong tap event location relative to parent control.
const TPoint & aPenEventScreenLocationLong tap event location relative to screen.