MPreImageCaptureControlObserver Class Reference

class MPreImageCaptureControlObserver

A mixin class to be implemented by the client in order to use the PreImageCaptureControl API. The derived class methods are called by the implementation when the pre image capture operations are ready to be notified accordingly.


Member Functions Documentation

CustomInterface(TUid, TAny *&)

TInt CustomInterface(TUidaInterface,
TAny *&aPtrInterface
)[pure virtual]

Gets a custom interface for future callbacks. This method will be called by the implementation to get a new interface which would support future callbacks.

The error code.


TUid aInterfaceThe Uid of the particular interface function required for callbacks.
TAny *& aPtrInterfaceThe implementation has to type-cast the retrieved custom interface pointer to the appropriate type.

PrepareImageComplete(CCamera::CCameraImageCapture *, TInt)

voidPrepareImageComplete(CCamera::CCameraImageCapture *aCaptureImageHandle,
)[pure virtual]

Implementation sends this callback as a result of PrepareImageCapture completion. Every time client calls CCameraPreImageCaptureControl::PrepareImageCapture, a new CCameraImageCapture* will be passed to the client for image capture operations. Implementation will create the CCameraImageCapture* object after allocating the memory resources required. Ownership of CCameraImageCapture* object will be passed to the client.


Every time client needs to change the prepare image settings, a new instance of CCameraImageCapture will be provided to it by the implementation.

If error is KErrECamImageResourceNotReleased and client wants to successfully call the Prepare method again, client needs to delete all CCameraImageCapture objects and any Snapshot and Histogram objects associated with it as well.

If error is KErrECamVideoResourceNotReleased and client wants to successfully call the Prepare method again, client needs to call ReleaseVideoResource to unprepare video and then delete any Snapshot and Histogram objects associated with it as well.

If drive mode is set to EDriveModeTimeNudgeCapture the client will only receive this callback once the implementation is ready with the number of pre-capture images specified in TDriveModeDependentAttributes.


CCamera::CCameraImageCapture * aCaptureImageHandleRetrieves pointer to the CCameraImageCapture object created by the implementation.
TInt aErrorCodeAppropriate error code. KErrECamImageResourceNotReleased when camera device is capable of preparing only still or video. KErrECamVideoResourceNotReleased when camera device is capable of preparing only still or video.