Writing a Class Driver Tutorial

This document set provides step-by-step instructions that will enable a user to use the USB LDD interface to create a simple class driver.

Before you start, you must:

It is recommended that shared chunks are used for speed of transfer when transmitting a large amount of data. This approach is not recommended when transmitting smaller amounts of data infrequently.

Complete the tasks listed below to create a class driver that interfaces with the USB LDD using shared chunks.

  1. Load and Open a USB Channel,

  2. Set the Configuration Descriptors,

  3. Set the Interface Descriptors,

  4. Allocate Resources for Endpoints - this task is optional,

  5. Re-Enumerate,

  6. Using the BIL Interface - this task is optional, but recommended,

  7. Read Data from USB using Shared Chunks,

  8. Write Data to USB using Shared Chunks,

  9. Close and Unload the Driver.