Camera Plug-in Support Tutorial

This document describes about the camera plug-in support of Ecam component.

Camera Plug-in Support

It is known that all cameras are Ecom plug-ins that are subclassed from CcameraPlugin class. This registers support for the interface KuidOnboardCameraPlugin in their resource file.

When a new camera object is required, the Ecam library requests a camera plug-in from the Ecom framework. When more than one ROM based plug-ins have been registered on the platform, the one with the highest version defined in its resource file is selected.

To perform camera plug-in support implementation, get the list of available camera using CCameraPlugin::CamerasAvailable() method.

The figure below shows the dependency between CCamera and CcameraPlugin classes.

Figure 1. Dependency between Ccamera and CcameraPlugin classes

See also

Overview of the Camera component

Camera Plug-in Support Overview