MBluetoothSocketNotifier Class Reference

class MBluetoothSocketNotifier

This allows for notification of events relating to a CBluetoothSocket object.

Such notification consists of notification of logical link events (for example receipt of a user packet) and physical link state events (for example change of power mode).

Mixin class to be used with CBluetoothSocket

Member Functions Documentation


voidHandleAcceptCompleteL(TIntaErr)[pure virtual]

Notification of an accept complete event.

If no error is reported, then we have accepted a connection request and that connection is ready for use.

If the implementation of this function needs to delete associated CBluetoothSocket object, it should NOT use delete operator. The implementation should call CBluetoothSocket::AsyncDelete() method instead.


TInt aErrthe returned error

HandleActivateBasebandEventNotifierCompleteL(TInt, TBTBasebandEventNotification &)

TBTBasebandEventNotification &aEventNotification
)[pure virtual]

Notification of a baseband event.

If no error is reported, then a baseband event has been retrieved successfully.

If the implementation of this function needs to delete associated CBluetoothSocket object, it should NOT use delete operator. The implementation should call CBluetoothSocket::AsyncDelete() method instead.



TInt aErrthe returned error
TBTBasebandEventNotification & aEventNotification


voidHandleConnectCompleteL(TIntaErr)[pure virtual]

Notification of a connection complete event.

If no error is reported, then the connection is ready for use.

If the implementation of this function needs to delete associated CBluetoothSocket object, it should NOT use delete operator. The implementation should call CBluetoothSocket::AsyncDelete() method instead.


TInt aErrthe returned error


voidHandleIoctlCompleteL(TIntaErr)[pure virtual]

Notification of a ioctl complete event.

An HCI request that has an associated command complete has completed.

If the implementation of this function needs to delete associated CBluetoothSocket object, it should NOT use delete operator. The implementation should call CBluetoothSocket::AsyncDelete() method instead.


TInt aErrthe returned error


voidHandleReceiveCompleteL(TIntaErr)[pure virtual]

Notification of a receive complete event.

If no error is reported, then then we have successfully received a specified quantity of data.

If the implementation of this function needs to delete associated CBluetoothSocket object, it should NOT use delete operator. The implementation should call CBluetoothSocket::AsyncDelete() method instead.


TInt aErrthe returned error


voidHandleSendCompleteL(TIntaErr)[pure virtual]

Notification of a send complete event.

If no error is reported, then an attempt to send data over Bluetooth has succeeded.

If the implementation of this function needs to delete associated CBluetoothSocket object, it should NOT use delete operator. The implementation should call CBluetoothSocket::AsyncDelete() method instead.


TInt aErrthe returned error


voidHandleShutdownCompleteL(TIntaErr)[pure virtual]

Notification of a shutdown complete event.

If no error is reported, then the connection has been closed.

If the implementation of this function needs to delete associated CBluetoothSocket object, it should NOT use delete operator. The implementation should call CBluetoothSocket::AsyncDelete() method instead.


TInt aErrthe returned error

MBSN_ExtensionInterfaceL(TUid, void *&)

IMPORT_C voidMBSN_ExtensionInterfaceL(TUidaInterface,
void *&aObject

Returns a null aObject if the extension is not implemented, or a pointer to another interface if it is.


TUid aInterfaceUID of the interface to return
void *& aObjectthe container for another interface as specified by aInterface