CContactViewBase::TVirtualFunction2Params Class Reference

class CContactViewBase::TVirtualFunction2Params

Holds the two parameters passed to the method GetContactsMatchingFilterL() from the reserved function CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(). It has an inline constructor to initialise the data members.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TVirtualFunction2Params(TInt, RArray< TContactIdWithMapping > &)

RArray< TContactIdWithMapping > &aMatchingContacts

Inline constructor to initialize member data.


TInt aFilterFilter for the contacts
RArray< TContactIdWithMapping > & aMatchingContactsContacts matching a particular criterion

Member Data Documentation

TInt iFilter

TInt iFilter

Filter for the contacts.

RArray< TContactIdWithMapping > & iMatchingContacts

RArray< TContactIdWithMapping > &iMatchingContacts

List of contacts matching the criteria.