bldmake command syntax

The bldmake tool processes the component description file (bld.inf) in the current directory and generates the batch file abld.bat and several build batch makefiles (.make). The makefiles are used by abld to perform the various stages of building the component.

Invocation syntax

bldmake [ options ] command [ platform ]

Details of command and options are given in the following tables:


Command Description


Creates abld and the project makefiles.


Removes all files created by bldmake.


Displays basic bld.inf syntax.


Displays a list of the supported platforms, and the macros defined for each for the preprocessing of prj_mmpfiles and prj_testmmpfiles sections of bld.inf files.

If a platform name is given, just the macros for that platform are displayed: for example, bldmake plat thumb.


Options Description


Instructs bldmake to print progress messages.

Only error messages are printed by default.

-k or -keepgoing

Instructs bldmake to continue with the process even if the files specified in bld.inf file are missing.


Defines the target for which to create the makefiles. If not specified, all the default targets are assumed.

For v9.1, the default targets are WINSCW, GCCXML, ARMV5, and CW_IDE.