bttypes.h File Reference

const TInt KMinESCOLatency

const TIntKMinESCOLatency[static]

Minimum eSCO connection latency in milliseconds. Attempts to specify less than this will be silently increased to this level.

Typedef THCIConnHandle

typedef TUint16 THCIConnHandle

Typedef to represent a HCI connection handle.

Typedef TBTLinkModeSet

typedef TUint32 TBTLinkModeSet

Typedef to represent a union of TBTLinkMode values.

Typedef TBTSCOPackets

typedef TUint16 TBTSCOPackets

Typedef to represent a set of SCO packet types.

Typedef TBTACLPackets

typedef TUint16 TBTACLPackets

Typedef to represent a set of ACL packet types.

Typedef TBTSyncPacketTypes

typedef TUint32 TBTSyncPacketTypes

Typedef to represent a set of synchronous packet types (SCO and eSCO on v1.2). TBTSyncPackets::TSyncPackets

const TInt KSCOvsSyncHVOffset

const TIntKSCOvsSyncHVOffset[static]

This constant is no longer needed to translate the SCO mapping of HV packet types to Synchronous because CBluetoothSynchronousLink::SetupConnection(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr, const TUint16 aPacketTypes) adjusts aPacketTypes internally on behalf of clients.

const TUint32 KESCOBandwidthDontCare

const TUint32KESCOBandwidthDontCare[static]

eSCO unspecified bandwidth. This value can only be used by the accepting side of an eSCO link, to allow any bandwidth to be specified by the initiator. Otherwise both sides of the link must agree on the same bandwidth.



const TInt KSdpUUIDMaxLength

const TIntKSdpUUIDMaxLength[static]

The maximum length of an SDP UUID.

const TInt KBTDevAddrSize

const TIntKBTDevAddrSize

The size of a bluetooth device address in bytes.

const TInt KBTMaxDevAddrSize

const TIntKBTMaxDevAddrSize

The size of a bluetooth device address in bytes.

Typedef RBTDevAddrArray

typedef RArray< TBTDevAddr >RBTDevAddrArray

Array of device addresses Enumerate method

const TUint8 KHCILinkKeySize

const TUint8KHCILinkKeySize

The size of a link key, in bytes.

const TUint8 KHCIPINCodeSize

const TUint8KHCIPINCodeSize

The size of a pin code, in bytes.

Typedef TBTLinkKey

typedef TPckgBuf< TLinkKeyV10 >TBTLinkKey

Typedef'ed TPckgBuf of the class TLinkKeyV10.

Typedef TBTPinCode

typedef TPckgBuf< TPINCodeV10 >TBTPinCode

Typedef'ed TPckgBuf of the class TPINCodeV10.

Typedef TBTBasebandEvent

typedef TPckgBuf< TBTBasebandEventNotification >TBTBasebandEvent

Typedef'ed pckgbuf of the class TBTBasebandEventNotification.

const TUint KGIAC

const TUintKGIAC

General Unlimited Inquiry Access Code

const TUint KLIAC

const TUintKLIAC

Limited Inquiry Access Code

Typedef TL2CapConfigPkg

typedef TPckgBuf< TL2CapConfig >TL2CapConfigPkg

Typedef to represent a L2CAP Config object.

const TLitC< sizeof(L"ExtendedInquiryResponseWrapper")/2 > KEirWrapperPanicName

const TLitC< sizeof(L"ExtendedInquiryResponseWrapper")/2 >KEirWrapperPanicName[static]