MContactViewObserver Class Reference

class MContactViewObserver

The interface for a contact view observer.

Objects that need to observe a contact view should implement this interface. The view observer should be passed to the observed view's OpenL() or Open() function. This adds the observer to the view's observer array: a view can have more than one observer. The observers receive notifications when the observed view becomes ready for use and when changes occur in it.

Many contact view classes implement this interface to observe an underlying view. They in turn send notification to any objects observing them.



Public Member Functions
voidHandleContactViewEvent(const CContactViewBase &, const TContactViewEvent &)

Member Functions Documentation

HandleContactViewEvent(const CContactViewBase &, const TContactViewEvent &)

voidHandleContactViewEvent(const CContactViewBase &aView,
const TContactViewEvent &aEvent
)[pure virtual]

Handles an event in an observed contact view.


const CContactViewBase & aViewThe contact view causing the notification.
const TContactViewEvent & aEventThe event.