MFbsExtendedBitmapInitializer Class Reference

class MFbsExtendedBitmapInitializer

An interface for initialization of extended bitmaps. By implementing this interface, creators of extended bitmaps can set the contents of an extended bitmap without allocating a temporary buffer and avoid unnecessary memory copying during calls to CFbsBitmap::CreateExtendedBitmap().

WARNING: Class for internal and partner use ONLY. Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.


Public Member Functions
TInt InitExtendedBitmap(TAny *, TInt)

Member Functions Documentation

InitExtendedBitmap(TAny *, TInt)

TInt InitExtendedBitmap(TAny *aData,
)[pure virtual]

Initializes the raw data of an extended bitmap. KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


TAny * aDataA pointer to the raw data to be initialized.
TInt aDataSizeThe size in bytes of the raw data to be initialized.