MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection Class Reference

class MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection : public MVPbkBaseContactFieldCollection

An interface for the field collection of the store contact

A field collection interface can be used for looping the contact fields.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection()[inline, virtual]


Member Functions Documentation


const MVPbkStoreContactField &FieldAt(TIntaIndex)const [pure virtual]

Returns a read-only field in this collection.

Reference to a field at aIndex. Reference is valid until FieldAt is called again.

MVPbkBaseContactFieldCollection::ConstFieldAt aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < FieldCount() Panic VPbkError::EInvalidFieldIndex is raised if the precondition does not hold.


TInt aIndexZero-based index of the field to return.


MVPbkStoreContactField &FieldAt(TIntaIndex)[pure virtual]

Returns a field in this collection.

A reference to the field at aIndex. Reference is valid until FieldAt is called again. If you need a permanent copy, call MVPbkStoreContactField::CloneLC to the returned field.

MVPbkStoreContactField::CloneLC aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < FieldCount() VPbkError::Panic(VPbkError::EInvalidFieldIndex) is raised if the precondition does not hold.


TInt aIndexA zero-based index of the field to return.


MVPbkStoreContactField *FieldAtLC(TIntaIndex)const [pure virtual]

Returns a copy of the field in this collection.

Client gets the ownership of the field.

A new instance to the field at aIndex. The field is valid as long as the parent contact is valid aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < FieldCount() VPbkError::Panic(VPbkError::EInvalidFieldIndex) is raised if the precondition does not hold.


TInt aIndexA zero-based index of the field to return.


MVPbkStoreContact &ParentStoreContact()const [pure virtual]

Returns the parent contact of the field collection

the parent contact of the field collection

RetrieveField(const MVPbkContactLink &)

MVPbkStoreContactField *RetrieveField(const MVPbkContactLink &aContactLink)const [pure virtual]

Returns a field in this collection identified by a contact field link.

A contact field link can be created using the MVPbkStoreContactField interface. The same link works then as a contact link and a field link.

NOTE: implementations of stores are possibly using an index of the field as an identifier so clients should prefer not to save field links permanently. E.g modifying the contact can invalidate the link in some store implementations. A field link is practical in use cases where the link is created and immediately given to another component.

A field in this collection identified by aContactLink or NULL if the link does not contain field information or if the link does not refer to the parent contact of this field collection.


const MVPbkContactLink & aContactLinkA valid contact field link.


TAny *StoreContactFieldCollectionExtension(TUid)[inline, virtual]

Returns an extension point for this interface or NULL.

An extension point for this interface or NULL.

