TMMSource Class Reference

class TMMSource

Base class which provides a lightweight encapsulation of a DRM protected content source.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TMMSource(TUid, const TDesC &, ContentAccess::TIntent)

const TDesC &aUniqueId,

Initialise DRM protected content source


TUid aSourceTypeThe source type to differentiate
const TDesC & aUniqueIdUnique Id of the source object within the DRM archive
ContentAccess::TIntent aIntentUsage intent when opening content

TMMSource(TUid, const TDesC &, ContentAccess::TIntent, TBool)

const TDesC &aUniqueId,

Initialise DRM protected content source


TUid aSourceTypeThe source type to differentiate
const TDesC & aUniqueIdUnique Id of the source object within the DRM archive
ContentAccess::TIntent aIntentUsage intent when opening content
TBool aEnableUIThe agent's UI is enabled or not.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C ContentAccess::TIntentIntent()const

Get the Intent used to open the source object within the DRM archive.


The Intent.


IMPORT_C TBoolIsUIEnabled()const

Get the flag that indicates whether an agent's UI is enabled.

A boolean flag that has the value ETrue if the UI is enabled, EFalse otherwise


IMPORT_C TUidSourceType()const

Get the universal identifier of the content source.

The universal identifier of the content source.


IMPORT_C const TDesC &UniqueId()const

Get the Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.

A reference to a descriptor containing the Unique Id.

Member Data Documentation

TBool iEnableUI

TBool iEnableUI[private]

Flag whether an agent's property to enable the UI may be set prior to evaluating the intent.

ContentAccess::TIntent iIntent

ContentAccess::TIntent iIntent[private]

Intent to use when opening content.

TInt iReserved1

TInt iReserved1[private]

Reserved to avoid BC break.

TInt iReserved2

TInt iReserved2[private]

Reserved to avoid BC break.

TUid iSourceType

TUid iSourceType[private]

A univeral identifier to differentiate between content sources.

const TDesC & iUniqueId

const TDesC &iUniqueId[private]

The Unique Id of the source object within the DRM archive.