obexconstants.h File Reference

const TInt KChallResponseSize

const TIntKChallResponseSize

const TInt KObexRespSize

const TIntKObexRespSize

const TInt KUsbIntStringDescLength

const TIntKUsbIntStringDescLength

const TUint8 KObexObjectDescriptionSize

const TUint8KObexObjectDescriptionSize

const TInt KErrIrObexRespBase

const TIntKErrIrObexRespBase

Must not use as not in the allocated range

const TInt KErrIrObexClientNoDevicesFound

const TIntKErrIrObexClientNoDevicesFound

Extended error for IrObex - No other infrared device found

const TInt KErrIrObexClientPeerDoesNotHaveObex

const TIntKErrIrObexClientPeerDoesNotHaveObex

Extended error for IrObex - Other IR device cannot handle IrObex

const TInt KErrIrObexClientPutPeerAborted

const TIntKErrIrObexClientPutPeerAborted

Extended error for IrObex - Other IR device aborted the transfer

const TInt KErrIrObexServerPutPeerAborted

const TIntKErrIrObexServerPutPeerAborted

Extended error for IrObex - Peer device aborted data transmission/obex sending

const TInt KErrIrObexConnectChallRejected

const TIntKErrIrObexConnectChallRejected

Extended error for IrObex - Cannot authorise the challenge so link dropped

const TInt KErrIrObexBadEvent

const TIntKErrIrObexBadEvent

Unexpected event for the given state

const TInt KErrIrObexServerStopped

const TIntKErrIrObexServerStopped

Event occurred while Server is stopped

const TInt KErrIrObexPacketDuringWait

const TIntKErrIrObexPacketDuringWait

Packet received while state machine is in a wait state

const TInt KObexTransportInfoVersion0

const TIntKObexTransportInfoVersion0

Version number for TObexTransportInfo and derived classes. When iVersion is set to this value the following fields of TObexTransportInfo must be set: iTransportName, iReceiveMtu iTransmitMtu The iVersion member variable must be set to this value. If in future any of the iFuture variables are used a new version constant will be created.


const TInt KObexDefaultMtuSize

const TIntKObexDefaultMtuSize

Default for the receive and transmit MTU sizes Use this default value for setting the iReceiveMtu or iTransmitMtu in TObexTransportInfo objects or derived classes.


const TUint KObexIrdaDefaultDiscoverySlotsToUse

const TUintKObexIrdaDefaultDiscoverySlotsToUse

Default value for the number of discovery slots to use. Use this value as a default for iDiscoverySlots in TObexIrdaV2TransportInfo.


const TUint KObexIrdaDefaultDiscoveryAttempts

const TUintKObexIrdaDefaultDiscoveryAttempts

Default value for the number of discovery attempts made. Use this value as a default for iDiscoveryAttempts in TObexIrdaV2TransportInfo. TObexIrdaV2TransportInfo

const TLitC< sizeof(L"IrTinyTP")/2 > KObexIrTTPProtocol

const TLitC< sizeof(L"IrTinyTP")/2 >KObexIrTTPProtocol[static]

Protocol string when running over IrDA TObexIrProtocolInfo


const TLitC< sizeof(L"IrTinyTP-V2")/2 > KObexIrTTPProtocolV2

const TLitC< sizeof(L"IrTinyTP-V2")/2 >KObexIrTTPProtocolV2[static]

Protocol string when running over IrDA Using this version indicates that the configuration object contains discovery parameters. TObexIrProtocolInfo

const TLitC< sizeof(L"IrTinyTP-V3")/2 > KObexIrTTPProtocolV3

const TLitC< sizeof(L"IrTinyTP-V3")/2 >KObexIrTTPProtocolV3[static]

Protocol string when running over IrDA Using this version indicates that the configuration object contains the device nickname. TObexIrProtocolInfo


WriteDeviceData If the TObexIrV3TransportInfo is passed as the argument to CObexServer::NewL or CObexClient::NewL and the associated name is valid.

const TLitC< sizeof(L"RFCOMM")/2 > KObexRfcommProtocol

const TLitC< sizeof(L"RFCOMM")/2 >KObexRfcommProtocol[static]

Protocol string when running over Bluetooth TObexBluetoothProtocolInfo


const TLitC< sizeof(L"USB")/2 > KObexUsbProtocol

const TLitC< sizeof(L"USB")/2 >KObexUsbProtocol[static]

Protocol string when running over USB TObexUsbProtocolInfo


const TLitC< sizeof(L"Win32Usb")/2 > KObexWin32UsbProtocol

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Win32Usb")/2 >KObexWin32UsbProtocol[static]

Place holder for... protocol string that should be used if a Win32 emulator USB transport were to be created for testing. TObexUsbProtocolInfo


const TLitC< sizeof(L"USB-V2")/2 > KObexUsbProtocolV2

const TLitC< sizeof(L"USB-V2")/2 >KObexUsbProtocolV2[static]

Protocol string when running over USB using client driver extensions TObexUsbProtocolInfoV2


const TInt KErrIrObexRespSuccess

const TIntKErrIrObexRespSuccess

const TInt KErrIrObexRespCreated

const TIntKErrIrObexRespCreated

const TInt KErrIrObexRespAccepted

const TIntKErrIrObexRespAccepted

const TInt KErrIrObexRespNonAuthInfo

const TIntKErrIrObexRespNonAuthInfo

const TInt KErrIrObexRespNoContent

const TIntKErrIrObexRespNoContent

const TInt KErrIrObexRespResetContent

const TIntKErrIrObexRespResetContent

const TInt KErrIrObexRespPartialContent

const TIntKErrIrObexRespPartialContent

const TInt KErrIrObexRespMultipleChoices

const TIntKErrIrObexRespMultipleChoices

const TInt KErrIrObexRespMovedPerm

const TIntKErrIrObexRespMovedPerm

const TInt KErrIrObexRespMovedTemp

const TIntKErrIrObexRespMovedTemp

const TInt KErrIrObexRespSeeOther

const TIntKErrIrObexRespSeeOther

const TInt KErrIrObexRespNotModified

const TIntKErrIrObexRespNotModified

const TInt KErrIrObexRespUseProxy

const TIntKErrIrObexRespUseProxy

const TInt KErrIrObexRespBadRequest

const TIntKErrIrObexRespBadRequest

const TInt KErrIrObexRespUnauthorized

const TIntKErrIrObexRespUnauthorized

const TInt KErrIrObexRespPaymentRequired

const TIntKErrIrObexRespPaymentRequired

const TInt KErrIrObexRespForbidden

const TIntKErrIrObexRespForbidden

const TInt KErrIrObexRespNotFound

const TIntKErrIrObexRespNotFound

const TInt KErrIrObexRespMethodNotAllowed

const TIntKErrIrObexRespMethodNotAllowed

const TInt KErrIrObexRespNotAcceptable

const TIntKErrIrObexRespNotAcceptable

const TInt KErrIrObexRespProxyAuthenReqd

const TIntKErrIrObexRespProxyAuthenReqd

const TInt KErrIrObexRespTimedOut

const TIntKErrIrObexRespTimedOut

const TInt KErrIrObexRespConflict

const TIntKErrIrObexRespConflict

const TInt KErrIrObexRespGone

const TIntKErrIrObexRespGone

const TInt KErrIrObexRespLengthReqd

const TIntKErrIrObexRespLengthReqd

const TInt KErrIrObexRespPreCondFailed

const TIntKErrIrObexRespPreCondFailed

const TInt KErrIrObexRespReqEntityTooLarge

const TIntKErrIrObexRespReqEntityTooLarge

const TInt KErrIrObexRespReqURLTooLarge

const TIntKErrIrObexRespReqURLTooLarge

const TInt KErrIrObexRespUnsupMediaType

const TIntKErrIrObexRespUnsupMediaType

const TInt KErrIrObexRespInternalError

const TIntKErrIrObexRespInternalError

const TInt KErrIrObexRespNotImplemented

const TIntKErrIrObexRespNotImplemented

const TInt KErrIrObexRespBadGateway

const TIntKErrIrObexRespBadGateway

const TInt KErrIrObexRespServiceUnavail

const TIntKErrIrObexRespServiceUnavail

const TInt KErrIrObexRespGatewayTimeout

const TIntKErrIrObexRespGatewayTimeout

const TInt KErrIrObexRespHTTPVerNotSupp

const TIntKErrIrObexRespHTTPVerNotSupp

const TInt KErrIrObexRespDatabaseFull

const TIntKErrIrObexRespDatabaseFull

const TInt KErrIrObexRespDatabaseLocked

const TIntKErrIrObexRespDatabaseLocked