Starting and Closing a Management Plane session: Tutorial

This tutorial shows how an application connects to the Sockets Server to access the Management Plane functionality. The Management Plane functionality allows an application to access the Access Points. The Management Plane uses a different API to other Sockets Server connections.

The RConnectionServ API is accessed through the Sockets Server client API, so you need to ensure that esock.lib is included in the MMP file.

The user must supply a valid Tier ID when the connection is made. Tier's are discussed in the topic Tiers Manager. Use the Tier Table in the Communications Database to find the Tier IDs.

The high level steps to connect to the Management Plane are:

  1. Determine which Tier ID to supply

  2. Call the RConnectionServ::Connect(TUint aTierId) function with the Tier ID. This will connect to the Management Plane. By default, aTierId is Null to indicate all Tiers are available. The aTierId must specify a valid tier. The RConnectionServ API does not have any functionality if the default value for aTierId is used.

  3. Perform operations on the Tier. All actions on this RConnectionServ connection will depend on the specified Tier.

  4. Call the RConnectionServ::Close() function to end the connection with the Management Plane. The Close() function ends the RConnectionServ session with the Tier specified using the Connect() function.

Connect and Close example

The following example shows how to start and close a session.

#include <comms-infras/es_connectionserv.h>
#include <sometechnology.h> // for KSomeTierId

using namespace ConnectionServ;

// Assumption: RConnectionServ is owned as an attribute of some working object
  RConnectionServ iConnServ;

// Start the session

// Close the session