TWsVisibilityChangedEvent Struct Reference

struct TWsVisibilityChangedEvent

Visibility changed events.

These events are generated in response to a window being obscured, or being fully or partially revealed after being obscured. RWindowTreeNode::EnableVisibilityChangeEvents()

Public Member Enumerations
enumanonymous { ECanBeSeen = 0x01, ECantBeSeen = 0x02 }
enumanonymous { EPartiallyVisible = 0x01, ENotVisible = 0x02, EFullyVisible = 0x04 }
Public Attributes
TUint iFlags

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous


ECanBeSeen = 0x01

Some or all of the window is visible, either directly or through a transparent window. Use EPartiallyVisible instead.

ECantBeSeen = 0x02

None of the window is visible, either directly or through a transparent window. Use ENotVisible instead.

Enum anonymous


EPartiallyVisible = 0x01

Some (or all) of the window is visible, either directly or through a transparent window.

ENotVisible = 0x02

None of the window is visible, either directly or through a transparent window.

EFullyVisible = 0x04

All of the window is directly visible.

Member Data Documentation

TUint iFlags

TUint iFlags

A combination of one or more visibility event flags.