MRemConDatabaseUnawareNowPlayingBrowseObserver Class Reference

class MRemConDatabaseUnawareNowPlayingBrowseObserver

Member Functions Documentation

MrcdunpboGetFolderListing(TUint, TUint)

)[pure virtual]

Requests a listing of the items present in the Now Playing folder. If the media player does not natively support a Now Plyaing folder the client shall return a listing of one item which is the currently playing media element.

No metadata is requested, that can be retrieved separately on a per item basis. Trying this out for now as it fits in with the existing metadata attribute collection, and means that we would also separate out the listing from the metadata. This means that we can retrieve a NowPlaying list and then request the metadata from the observer.

The result should be returned via a call to MRemConDatabaseUnawareNowPlayingBrowse::MrcdunpbFolderListing().


TUint aStartItemThe offset into the folder listing of the first item to retrieve. If there is no media available at this offset the error KErrMediaBrowseInvalidOffset should be returned via the result call to MrcdunpbFolderListing().
TUint aEndItemThe offset into the folder listing of the final item to retrieve. If this is beyond the end of the folder listing then the items from the aStartItem offset to the end of the listing should be returned via the result call to MrcdunpbFolderListing().

MrcdunpboGetItem(const TRemConItemUid &, TMediaAttributeIter &)

TInt MrcdunpboGetItem(const TRemConItemUid &aItemId,
TMediaAttributeIter &aIter
)[pure virtual]

Requests a set of metadata corresponding to a specific media element item.

The client must return the metadata for the requested item via using MRemConDatabaseUnawareNowPlayingBrowse::MrcdunpbMediaElementItemResult() if it returns KErrNone, if it is unable to process this call then it can return error but not call the response function MRemConDatabaseUnawareNowPlayingBrowse::MrcdunpbMediaElementItemResult().

The call back result.
  • KErrNone If success.

  • The appropriate error code.


const TRemConItemUid & aItemIdThe UID for the requested media element item.
TMediaAttributeIter & aIterAn iterator for TMediaAttributeIds containing a list of TMediaAttributeIds requested by the controller.