List of Constants and Enumerations

The following are the SIP profile settings that are available as a part of the SIP Profile API:

KSIPProfileId, KSIPProviderName, KSIPAccessPointId, KSIPSigComp, KSIPSecurityNegotiation, KSIPAutoRegistration, KSIPUserAor, KSIPProfileRegistered, KSIPRegisteredAors, KSIPNegotiatedSecurityMechanism, KSIPDefaultProfile, KSIPContactHeaderParams, KSIPRegistrar, KSIPResolveProxy, KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPRegisteredContact, KSIPDigestUserName, KSIPDigestRealm, KSIPServerAddress, KSIPSnapId, KSIPContactHeaderUser, KSIPSoIpTOS.

The following are the Profile Registry Events that are available as a part of the SIP Profile API:

EProfileCreated, EProfileUpdated, EProfileRegistered, EProfileDeregistered, EProfileDestroyed.

The following are the Container for the profile type information as a part of the SIP Profile API.

EInternet, EIms, EOther.

The following are the SIP Profile ALR events as part of the SIP Profile API:

EIapAvailable, EMigrationStarted, EMigrationCompleted.

The following are the SIP Managed Profile settings that are available as a part of the SIP Managed Profile API:

KSIPPrivateIdentity, KSIPDigestPassword, KSIPHeaders, KSIPAllowIMSRegistration, KSIPProfileLocked, KSIPAllowAutoRegistrationOnlyOnHomeNetwork.