
00001 /*
00002  * draw.h
00003  * Copyright (C) 2001 A.J. van Os; Released under GPL
00004  *
00005  * Description:
00006  * Constants and macros to deal with the Draw format
00007  */
00009 #if !defined(__draw_h)
00010 #define __draw_h 1
00012 #include "drawftypes.h"
00014 typedef struct draw_jpegstrhdr_tag {
00015         draw_tagtyp     tag;    /* 1 word  */
00016         draw_sizetyp    size;   /* 1 word  */
00017         draw_bboxtyp    bbox;   /* 4 words */
00018         int     width;          /* 1 word  */
00019         int     height;         /* 1 word  */
00020         int     xdpi;           /* 1 word  */
00021         int     ydpi;           /* 1 word  */
00022         int     trfm[6];        /* 6 words */
00023         int     len;            /* 1 word  */
00024 } draw_jpegstrhdr;
00026 typedef struct draw_jpegstr_tag {
00027         draw_tagtyp     tag;    /* 1 word  */
00028         draw_sizetyp    size;   /* 1 word  */
00029         draw_bboxtyp    bbox;   /* 4 words */
00030         int     width;          /* 1 word  */
00031         int     height;         /* 1 word  */
00032         int     xdpi;           /* 1 word  */
00033         int     ydpi;           /* 1 word  */
00034         int     trfm[6];        /* 6 words */
00035         int     len;            /* 1 word  */
00036         unsigned char   *jpeg;
00037 } draw_jpegstr;
00039 typedef union draw_imageType_tag {
00040         draw_spristr    *sprite;
00041         draw_jpegstr    *jpeg;
00042         char            *bytep;
00043         int             *wordp;
00044 } draw_imageType;
00046 #endif /* !__draw_h */

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