Symbian OS Library


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start resource

start resource source-file

[target target-file-name]

[targetpath targetpath]

[header | headeronly]

[lang languages]

[uid uid-value-1 [uid-value-2] ]


A start resource section specifies how a resource file should be compiled.

source-file specifies the resource source (.rss) file. The file should be in the current sourcepath directory, or specified relatively to that directory.

The optional target target-file specifies the name of the compiled resource file. The file extension part of the name does not need to be specified, as this will be automatically supplied. By default, the target has the same name as the source file.

The optional targetpath targetpath allows you to specify the location of the compiled file on the z: drive (or the emulated Z: drive). By default, the target file is built into the same directory as the project's executable. Note, however, that in Symbian OS v9.0 and later, platform security requires resources to be placed into the correct path, either \resource for resources that are public but read-only, or \private\12345678, for resources that are private to the application with application Secure_Id 12345678. This means that this keyword will almost always be used.

The optional header keyword causes a resource header (.rsg) file to be created in epoc32\include\ along with the resource (.rsc) file. The optional headeronly keyword causes only the resource header (.rsg) file to be created in epoc32\include\. The resource header defines identifiers for the index positions of the structures in the resource file.

The optional lang keyword specifies language codes for the resource. This overrides any language settings made for the mmp file using the lang keyword. A language code is two-digit code, and is used to complete the extension of the built resource file: e.g. if the language code is 01, then the extension is .r01. The default language code is sc. The resource file is compiled multiple times, once for each language specified.

The optional uid keyword specifies the values for the second, and optionally, the third UID of the resource file. See UID2 and UID3 statements and RResourceFile::UidType() for more information.


This example builds the resource foo.rss into z:\private\10001234\foo.rsc.

start resource foo.rss
TARGETPATH             private\10001234

This example builds the resource foo.rss into z:\private\10001234\bar.r01, and creates a header bar.rsg in epoc32\include.

START RESOURCE         foo.rss
TARGET                 bar
TARGETPATH             private\10001234
LANG                   01
UID                    0x10002345 0x10003456

This example builds only the resource header bar.rsg in epoc32\include.

START RESOURCE         foo.rss

See also

Application resource tools guide

Application resource tools reference