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Quick start: using the CS Help compiler

Creating the minimal CS Help source files

Source rtf files

To create a minimal CS Help rich-text source file using Microsoft Word:

  1. Copy the CS Help template to the Microsoft Office template directory (from \epoc32\cshlpcmp_template\

  2. Do File | New, and select the cshelp template.

  3. Replace the Heading 1 style marked text “Category” with the name of your application.

  4. Replace the Category UID style marked text “0x01000000” with the UID of your CS Help file.

  5. Replace the Heading 2 style marked text “Topic text” with the heading for your first topic.

  6. Replace the synonyms, context or indexes as necessary, marked up using the appropriate styles.

  7. Replace the Normal style marked text “Text for topic” with your topic text.

  8. Below the last of the topic text, mark up text for subsequent topic titles and body text using Heading 2 and Normal styles.

  9. Do File | Save As, and select Rich Text Format (*.rtf) as the type of file.

Project file

To create a CS-Help project file:

  1. Copy an existing project file e.g. \CsHelp\project\CsHelpProj.cshlp

  2. Change fields to reflect the structure of the current project.

Customisation file

A customisation file can be created to specify the appearance of the help file, including the font used for text, its size, and the appearance of tip, important and note effects. If no customisation file is specified, a default appearance is applied.

See also

RTF file format, Project file—.cshlp, Customisation file—.xml


Running the CS Help compiler

To run the CS Help compiler:

  1. bring up a command prompt, or MS-DOS window

  2. ensure that all source files have been saved

  3. type cshlpcmp project-file.xml for help file output. Note that the project-file must include the extension .cshlp or .xml.

  4. inspect the output on the emulator

See also

Command line syntax—CS Help compiler