Symbian OS Library


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How to use the Graphics Files tab

You can use the Graphics Files tab to insert graphics into your .rtf file.

Graphics folder

Select the Graphics folder, which stores your .mbm files, using the Browse button. Changing this location will move all the graphics files listed to the new location. If you haven't added any graphics to your project yet you can alter the path to point to the location of where your .mbm files already are.


Adding a graphic to the project

Use the Add button to choose a .mbm graphic file and add it to the project. If the file selected is not an .mbm file, a dialog is brought up to select where in the project the file is to be saved once converted. You can then use the Convert button to convert the graphic file.

A preview of the currently selected graphic file is shown in the Preview box.

Use the Remove button to remove a graphic file from the project. Note that this does not delete it.


Add a graphic link

Use the Graphic link button to create the text for a graphic link in your .rtf file. To add the graphic link:

When you compile or view the project, the graphic selected for insertion will appear in the help file in place of the graphic link.